Ares' Army


67 991

40 / 50
Clan rules: must do clan wars atleast 2 times a week. Do not spam for no reason and stay active❤️💪🏼
Admissão de clã
Membros 40 / 50
Tipo Abrir
Pontuação do clã 67 991
Troféus necessários 4 600
Líder do clã dhd the great
Alcance de troféus 3 275 – 9 000
Informações do clã
Localização Internacional
Doações por semana 1 522
Anciões 4
Colíderes 5
# Jogador
Visto por último
9 000
2025-02-28 06:51:57
dhd the great
9 000
2025-02-27 21:09:53
3 Ancião
8 005
2025-02-28 10:41:58
4 Colíder
7 790
2025-02-27 21:54:00
5 Ancião
7 771
2024-10-15 07:41:38
6 \_[..]_/
7 557
2024-08-29 19:52:32
7 Ancião
7 309
2025-02-16 12:30:55
8 cris
7 289
2025-02-17 22:48:59
9 akos
7 281
2024-07-08 15:13:33
10 Neeluwu
7 229
2025-02-03 17:36:08
11 BuziParizer
7 201
2025-02-20 19:27:32
12 Kolos
7 154
2025-02-19 22:22:59
13 Ian
7 063
2025-02-26 08:41:21
14 Themäinman
7 033
2025-02-27 20:07:38
15 Colíder
Dupla D
6 741
2025-02-24 08:27:30
16 KEVIN!!
6 728
2025-01-01 03:42:04
17 the_mezlenyi??
6 656
2025-01-01 10:53:41
18 Ancião
6 640
2025-02-18 18:25:51
19 gabor
6 615
2025-01-27 20:34:36
20 samanimates
6 428
2025-02-28 10:39:54
21 oli
6 406
2025-01-23 14:50:37
22 bjenev
6 306
2025-01-11 09:01:53
23 Noba YT
6 149
2025-02-11 12:30:08
24 RZ zeno
6 121
2024-09-12 10:41:00
25 kecske
6 033
2025-01-02 21:07:34
26 Colíder
Glory Days
5 939
2025-02-27 21:24:09
27 AntiVirus204
5 880
2025-01-27 18:03:41
28 Lamba Churro
5 789
2025-02-24 16:42:08
29 dani13
5 705
2025-02-28 09:57:37
30 getrekt
5 650
2024-06-27 06:59:54
31 OldManiac
5 480
2024-07-27 17:53:51
32 HASANTT4646
5 211
2025-01-21 18:58:21
33 Hanc és Áki
5 126
2024-11-30 18:46:27
34 kobak
5 122
2025-02-20 20:54:44
35 Colíder
5 003
2025-02-27 21:37:07
36 Frakk65
4 555
2025-02-28 10:30:06
37 head giver
4 479
2024-09-29 15:08:14
38 jozsiii
4 240
2025-02-27 11:52:17
39 DunaWorld
3 800
2025-02-22 21:13:06
40 Small Dupla D
3 275
2025-02-24 08:36:04

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