

37 790

12 / 50
We play to play,or pvp rather. We are active, donate and play war you'll fit in just fine! feel free to shoot them practice 1v1s
Requisiti Clan
Membri 12 / 50
Tipo Aperto
Punteggio Clan 37 790
Trofei Richiesti 2 000
Capo Clan TR.I.PleeDABS
Range di trofei 3 543 – 8 914
Info Clan
Paese Stati Uniti
Donazioni Per Settimana 83
Anziani 1
Co-Capi 2
# Giocatore
Ultimo online
1 Capo
8 914
2025-03-13 18:00:13
2 Co-capo
Jesus Is Lord
8 245
2025-03-13 21:55:31
3 Co-capo
7 801
2025-03-09 02:50:59
4 sir jordandy
7 650
2025-03-13 22:09:32
5 Anziano
7 209
2024-09-09 19:37:32
6 Chimmy
7 041
2025-02-13 02:27:35
7 ProVerbs
6 649
2025-03-13 18:20:13
8 jonathan
6 382
2024-05-14 19:43:32
9 D R A G O
6 278
2025-02-27 01:45:56
10 PapaGeorgio
5 596
2025-03-13 18:20:57
11 Bimbo
4 101
2025-03-12 23:13:47
12 talon1
3 543
2024-06-25 22:59:30

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