The Alliance!


31 474

10 / 50
We're a friendly bunch of guys that like the game. Rules are finish a clan war you join and donate weekly.
Requisiti Clan
Membri 10 / 50
Tipo Aperto
Punteggio Clan 31 474
Trofei Richiesti 1 000
Capo Clan Forefall
Range di trofei 1 879 – 9 000
Info Clan
Paese Canada
Donazioni Per Settimana 20
Anziani 1
Co-Capi 1
# Giocatore
Ultimo online
1 Capo
9 000
2025-01-23 21:21:01
2 Co-capo
9 000
2025-01-23 02:39:23
3 Anziano
7 866
2025-01-20 01:40:42
4 acl0
7 659
2025-01-23 14:02:47
5 brady
6 796
2025-01-23 16:05:51
6 vivek
6 680
2025-01-23 17:24:02
7 n1g3lj1j
6 118
2025-01-23 16:43:10
8 esey
5 592
2025-01-21 22:33:45
9 Rachel
2 360
2024-12-31 15:56:12
10 Acecarr
1 879
2024-07-03 18:47:21

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