

44 778

20 / 50
The largest clan for the gentleman of the 845. all we ask is that you attack in war and donate some cards. enjoy our clan!
Requisiti Clan
Membri 20 / 50
Tipo Aperto
Punteggio Clan 44 778
Trofei Richiesti 3 000
Capo Clan spongbob
Range di trofei 3 186 – 8 124
Info Clan
Paese Stati Uniti
Donazioni Per Settimana 0
Anziani 1
# Giocatore
Ultimo online
1 Sean
8 124
2025-03-19 00:23:05
2 Double A
7 792
2025-03-18 01:40:35
3 Anziano
7 236
2024-05-03 13:20:11
4 Eric Freddy
6 835
2024-09-18 14:42:23
5 Football golem
6 767
2024-09-13 04:55:15
6 alfredo
6 559
2025-02-17 00:41:03
7 connorFinn
6 355
2024-08-05 15:13:00
8 Micah
6 171
2024-12-16 07:16:31
9 Bingus
6 150
2024-10-02 22:48:11
10 Fruitybooty
5 425
2024-12-24 21:27:33
5 273
2024-08-26 01:23:51
12 Sweden Empire
5 240
2025-03-19 16:43:20
13 ClanFighter
5 029
2023-09-14 02:23:24
14 Capo
4 931
2025-03-09 21:34:35
15 senpailex
4 324
2024-12-06 15:37:46
16 Gray12
3 800
2025-01-01 04:01:36
17 shAallow_YT
3 186
2022-11-29 19:15:21
18 ice_man
5 145
2022-10-21 13:08:18
19 nico
3 579
2022-07-24 00:35:17
20 Roblox
3 800
2022-07-09 15:51:33

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