Local KFC


33 394

15 / 50
Active war clan ready to prove ourselves! donate and be active. elder and coleader earned by loyalty and participation. welcome!
Requisiti Clan
Membri 15 / 50
Tipo Aperto
Punteggio Clan 33 394
Trofei Richiesti 4 000
Capo Clan zachary
Range di trofei 4 217 – 6 151
Info Clan
Paese Stati Uniti
Donazioni Per Settimana 0
# Giocatore
Ultimo online
1 Cody4109
6 151
2024-08-17 02:25:09
2 3mo❤️hog
5 926
2024-12-28 09:24:58
5 784
2025-01-04 17:06:37
4 Alijah
5 764
2024-10-14 01:00:30
5 Siren
5 446
2024-11-26 21:07:09
6 llll
5 417
2024-08-08 22:18:41
7 Capo
5 309
2021-12-03 18:36:15
8 daniellarsen
5 234
2023-11-18 22:25:29
9 Rain Re
5 166
2022-06-10 14:38:11
10 notserp
5 074
2023-05-14 20:27:21
11 Bassy
4 773
2023-06-26 23:45:37
12 yaboi
4 645
2023-04-27 21:44:35
13 Carol_ineee
4 349
2024-12-16 05:37:39
14 Brekken
4 217
2023-02-04 18:22:54
15 joker
5 060
2022-11-30 09:51:53

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