Damage | 728 |
Tower damage | 184 |
Spell radius | 3.5 |
Trvanie | 8 |
Najlepšie decky Najlepšie decky s Poison
Štatistika karty
Level | Damage Dmg | Tower damage Tower dmg |
6 | 456 | 120 |
7 | 496 | 128 |
8 | 544 | 136 |
9 | 600 | 152 |
10 | 664 | 168 |
11 | 728 | 184 |
12 | 800 | 200 |
13 | 880 | 224 |
14 | 960 | 240 |
15 (Mirrorované) (Mirr.) | 1056 | 264 |
Poison spôsobuje poškodenie každú sekundu, po dobu 8s, čo znamená, že má 8 damage "ticks" (alebo "t" v skratke).
Expert area
Properties and roles of Poison
Poison can counter these cards 106/117
Cards that are countered by Poison fully or partially. Cards that Poison can stop or help mitigate the damage. Tmavšia karta = menej efektívna, ale stále counteruje.
Synergie s Poison 65/117
Cards that work well with Poison. Stmavnuté karty = menej efektívne, no stále synergia.